
I stumbled across this link today and realized, I was going to drop thoughts and stoires about my past, little things that maybe a few folks would read and be amused. Family, freinds and the like. I post some chatter on the book of faces, but not really much on insta-grahm or other socials. The amount of time between my last post and this one is stunningly long. So what has happened? Hmmm. Lost a few folks like my sister and father in law. Seen the political landscape change in an enormous and not-so-pleasant way. Been in a few bands and had some fun with that. Still playing and singing, starting around 1970. 50+ years seems like a long time to be a musician. So why have so many of my comtemporaries (you know, boomers) slid down the path of conservative, small minded thinking? Blows my mind that those of us that saw Veitnam, Nixon, Watergate, Kent State, Reagan, etc., ended up hating on those folks that want peace in the world? Folks that want clean water and clean air? The migrants that want a new start in the land of opportunity? Did we not learn those lessons? When did having things and owning things become more important than the planet?

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